30 Years of Experience • European Manufacturer • Certified Products • 10 Years Spare Parts Guarantee • Top Quality for Every Budget

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Owner and Publisher 

Zingerle Group AG
Förche 7
39040 Natz-Schabs (BZ)
Tel.: +39 0472 977 100
Fax: +39 0472 977 190

Legal representative: Georg Zingerle
E-Mail: [email protected]

Bolzano Chamber of Commerce, Italy
Registration: BZ-127327

VAT: IT01533450217


Out-of-court dispute resolution

Zingerle Group AG is not obliged and willing to participate in dispute resolution procedures within the meaning of the German Consumer Dispute Settlement Act. 
The EU Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform (OS platform) for consumer disputes resulting from online purchase agreements and online service contracts. You can access this platform via: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.



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